Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend 2007

May 28, 2007

I had a lot of fun this weekend. Boy was it hot! I went to Grandma's house again on Saturday and she filled a metal tub up for me so I could have my very own pool. They also got me a swing and I saw Thomas the cat and my Uncle Louis.

We went to breakfast with Michael, Samantha and Aunt Amy and then we went to the park and I went on the swings with Sam. Then we stopped by Aunt Kristin and Uncle Mike's and Daddy pulled me around in a wagon and I played in Michael's playhouse.

Today Daddy bought me a tent that also has a tee pee and two tunnels that I can crawl through. I played all day on the grass with Mommy & Daddy and I saw my very first airplane! I love to lay on the grass with Mommy and look up at the clouds and trees. I barely had the energy to eat dinner so Daddy gave me a bath and it's off to bed for me!

Hope everyone had as much fun as I did this weekend.

Love, Carly Victoria xo

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Love you Carly - these pics are SOOOOOOO CUTE! Love the one with Daddy throwing you up! Looks like you had a great weekend!
I miss your Mommy today :( Feel better Patti!