Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Making Sense

January 15, 2008

When Mommy first met Daddy, his family told her all the stories about when he was a little boy. She remembers the story of how Daddy had "his own language" and how he used to make-up words when speaking about certain things. Now that I am speaking more, I too have started my own list of words. I know what I mean and so do Mommy & Daddy. They always tell me that I make perfect sense. Here are just a few, hopefully you will remember them next time we speak. Deese=cheese; Mease=please; Bup=cup; Boy=Billy (the dog) ; Tan too=Thank you; doo-da-doo= rooster; wuk= work; yah yah= yes; shoosh=shoes ; kiki=cookie; boohma=spoon and goo-gal= good girl. Mommy & Daddy are very proud of all of the progress I've made and always encourage me to talk as much as I want. They might regret that some day, but for now yadda yadda yadda!!

Love to all,

Carly Victoria xoxo

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