Friday, July 20, 2007

...."cha cha cha cha changes"............

July 2007

When we got back from vacation both of Carly's teachers at school had given their notice. Miss Karen was no longer there and this week was going to be Miss Wanda's last. To make matters worse......... her closest and dearest partner in crime Peyton left the center to go elsewhere. To my surprise Carly took it all in stride and didn't even flinch. I know deep in her heart she looks around for Peyton, but she's so great with her new teacher, Miss Maria and plays hard with all the boys. She is now the only girl!!

She is getting so big, so fast it is unreal. She can say Dada, Mama, Baba (Billy the dog), cup, balloon, bye bye, hi, hey and she tries to say shoe. She blows everyone kisses, loves to hug and kiss everybody and can run as fast as the dickens! She knows how to climb into the tub, off of the bed and up onto a chair. All these changes, and we love every single one!

Mommy & Daddy

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