Monday, July 14, 2008

Summer Lovin'

Carly is just too cute. She is so funny all of the time and she imitates everyone! She really cracks us up. Some of the things she comes up with are just hilarious. She is now 3 feet tall exactly. She is sunkissed with a beautiful golden tan. He hair is getting so long, curly and blonde from the sun. She is doing so well with her potty training and swimming. She jumps right off of the edge of the pool and is constantly pushing herself to do more. She is a true Nichols...just like Daddy!! She loves her new class at school and still goes to Grandmas on Saturdays and sleeps over. She is so loving and good with Billy the dog and hugs and kisses him all of the time. She tells us everyday "I wuv you" and is so mannered. She says thank you, excuse me, bless you and please. We just love her to bits and wanted to bring everyone up to speed. It has been a great summer so far and we are loving every minute of her! As my grandmother used to say.. she is an imp!!
Love to all,
Mommy xoxo

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