Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New Word Update May 2008

As I start to develop and form "my own" language, I wanted to bring you all up to speed so when we are together you understand what I am saying. Mommy & Daddy think some of these things are very funny- personally I don't see the humor in it.

Yord - Lord
Where go? - Where did it go?
Duck- Fart (when I make this noise I say duck i.e. "ducks in the office")
goway- go away (usually when you are sitting in MY seat)
Boy- Billy (my dog)
pane- plane
herroooww- hello
i gah dit- I got it
bawoo- balloon
gahpaa- Grandpa
mimipops- Mimi and Pops (I call them both this in the hopes at least one will answer)
simmin- swimming (after several lessons I now love to say this word)
nah nye- not nice (after I get pelted at school by one of the boys)

There are so many more, but this is just the introductory course. You will have to come and hang with me to learn the rest!!

Love to all,

Carly Victoria xoxo

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