July 29, 2007
Since it was such a rain soaked weekend- and hotter then you know where- we all stayed in on Sunday and played together in the basement. By the time dinnertime rolled around Carly was out of her mind and going craaaazzzzy! She likes to put on Matt's sunglasses and thinks we can't see her when she has them on. Then she runs around the side of the couch and hides and jumps out and screams Aaaaahhhhhh! She also thinks we can't see her with her eyes closed. She was running around the room with her eyes closed and then would stop and start to twirl around until she fell over.
She loves to build with her blocks and look at all of her artwork we bring home from school. She points to it and says oooooohhh. We feel it encourages her to paint some more.
Hope everyone didn't go as stir crazy as we did.
Love to all, Mommy & Daddy xo